Welcome to the
Black Southern Women’s Collaborative
It is my honor to welcome you to the Black Southern Women’s Collaborative community! We are delighted to share the awesome and powerful work of Black Women across the South.
Too often, Black Women are recognized for our labor alone. But it is not in our doing or how much we produce or the busy-ness of our lives, that we should be affirmed - it is just in our being. We are love. We strive to love and to accept love… not only for our community, family, and our friends but for ourselves.
Acknowledging, affirming, and believing Black Women catalyzes the leadership that multiplies to build power to win real change in the world. The women we work with, the women we are trying to reach are the strategists, the ones who know how to reach, how to build, and how to engage people in their full humanity to achieve real solutions.
The majority of Black people reside in the South, but our political power is still being realized. If we center Black power–talk about it, saturate ourselves with it when it’s politically prudent, when it’s not, when it’s a voting season, when it’s not–that is how we flip states in the South Black and Brown for the long term. And when we win in the South, we all win!
Our hope is that you are inspired by the brilliance of Black southern women and that you take time to acknowledge and affirm the full humanity of Black Women. Our invitation to you is to join in solidarity, invest in our communities, and to create justice with us.
-Phyllis M. Hill, Founder
“My theory is, strong people don't need strong leaders."
-- Ella Baker
Our Work
Training and Developing Leaders
Growing and Sustaining Political Homes
Black + Brown Voter Engagement
Organizing Campaigns
Convening Black Women & Our Allies
Fellowships for Black Women Organizers