Programs & Impact
Since its inception, the BSWC has invested more than $7 million in Black Women-led organizations across the South, with an emphasis on leadership development.

Training &
Developing Leaders
The BSWC trains and supports leaders across the region in organizing, communications, digital strategy, and fundraising. We center the leadership of Black Women who are working day-to-day to expand our footprint, to reach Black people in rural and urban areas of our states, and people who are regular voters including those who are disenfranchised and excluded. Our efforts have deepened Black organizing capacity and infrastructure in southern states that are too often usually intentionally ignored and forgotten.
Growing &
Sustaining Political Homes
The BSCW has helped each of the Collaborative’s organizations to expand and build their capacity as political homes for millions of people across the South. Through our investment and support, these groups have expanded organizationally and geographically, adding more than ## new digital and other organizers and ## new counties or locales.

Black + Brown
Voter Engagement
The BSWC continues to organize and to build power in the face of white supremacy in the form of voter suppression and unfair racialized redistricting maps. As we have built power, specific legislation was passed throughout the South to try to undermine Black people’s voices at the polls. We are fighting back through organizing, voter education, and GOTV activities targeted directly in communities.
Convening Black Women and Our Allies
The BSWC is a strategic convenor of Black Women and our allies from across the region and the country. These convenings are focused on training and technical assistance, building new alliances, sharing best practices, and advancing the power of Black Womanist Theology as an organizing model.

Organizing Campaigns
There is a common and unfair narrative that if we want to experience a change in this country, the South is not the place to come or invest. However, we have a long legacy (and present) of Black Southern Women organizing. BSWC supports the development and architecture of powerful campaigns that are building power and creating change.
Redistricting work of Power Coalition
Redistricting work is led by Black Women from across the South, and no better place to see that leadership executed than by the Executive Director of the Power Coalition in Louisiana, Ashley Shelton. Through her leadership, the organization has led thousands of conversations with everyday people about ensuring the second largest congressional Black district. This is Black Power, and paramount to them wielding that power to increase voting rights, health equity and environmental justice. Moreover, the fight to ensure that the state legislature upholds and execute what was decided in court.] Check out this article that describes how the Supreme Court Cases from Louisiana and Alabama determine “Who Counts As Black in Voting Maps”.

Voting Right Page
Since the gutting of the 1965 Voting Rights in 2013, the protection of one of our most sacred and civil rights.